Currently Closed for Repair. Please follow us on social media and subscribe to our emails for updates on our re-open date!
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Aerosports Memberships

Save BIG with our new Aerosports Memberships!

Become a MEMBER today !!!

Our NEW membership program is the BEST way to JUMP at Aerosports.

It offers HUGE savings on every visit including a Cash Discount of up to $150 for a Birthday Party every year!

Sign up today and your first jump is on us! ( $25 Cash value )

Gold Member Perks!

  • First Jump FREE
  • $100 OFF Birthday Party Booking
  • $10 OFF Jump Times
  • 25% OFF Aero Camp
  • 25% OFF Snack Shack
  • 25% OFF Merchandise
  • 1 FREE Water Bottle Per Visit
  • 25% OFF Sibling Membership

Monthly Payment: $9.90


Annual Payment: $99.90

Platinum Member Perks!

  • First Jump FREE
  • $150 OFF Birthday Party Booking
  • $15 OFF Jump Times
  • 50% OFF Aero Camp
  • 50% OFF Snack Shack
  • 50% OFF Merchandise
  • 1 FREE Water Bottle Per Visit
  • 25% OFF Sibling Membership

Monthly Payment: $14.90


Annual Payment: $149.90